irish Angel

jim is my irish Angel” – abby williams

a missing-man formation is the order of the day

a gentle irish Angel who is showing us the way

a missing-man formation is the first toast of the night

a resting irish Angel who makes everything all-right

selfless soldier
by f. t. bliss

(sung to the tune of “breathe” (2 a.m.) by ann nalick — it even uses her ft. bliss reference)

selfless soldier, he crosses a very fine line
is it war? is it Peace? is it Love? is it time?
how does faith play a role in this field of chances?

selfless soldier is flying away to ft. bliss
if he’s always on target then why do i miss
all the talking and dreaming and walking and laughter

(ann’s chorus):
cuz you can’t jump the track, we’re like cars on a cable
and life’s like an hourglass, glued to the table,
no one can find the rewind button, boys, so cradle your head in your hand
and breathe
just breathe
oh, breathe
just breathe

selfless soldier, he crosses a very fine line
is it all part of One complicated Design?
how does fate take its toll under these circumstances?

selfless soldier is waving-away from ft. bliss
now he’s smiling, conniving, and blowing a kiss
is it magical there in the life everafter?

(ann’s chorus):
cuz you can’t jump the track, we’re like cars on a cable
and life’s like an hourglass, glued to the table,
no one can find the rewind button, now, so cradle your head in your hand
and breathe
just breathe
oh, breathe
just breathe
and breathe
just breathe
oh, breathe
just breathe


a selfless soldier


* “irish Angel” inspired by abby (who described jim as her “irish Angel“); a remarkable family, and an incredible circle of friends.

* “selfless soldier” inspired by matt casey‘s memorial website,
found here:

to paraphrase pa-pa (jim casey sr. – age 95):
“this is harder than jumping into normandy.
thank you all for being here.”

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In Loving Memory of our Father – James Michael Casey